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RAM Mounts GDS Stromkabel mit offenen Enden - doppelter SAE Splitter
RAM Mounts GDS Stromkabel mit offenen Enden - doppelter SAE Splitter 17,97 €

RAM Mounts GDS Stromkabel mit offenen Enden - doppelter SAE Splitter

30,95 €*

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Produktnummer: RAM-GDS-CAB-SAE-SPLIT
Produktkatalog: GDS Catalog 2024 EN

The GDS® Hardwire Power Cable with Dual SAE Splitter (RAM-GDS-CAB-SAE-SPLIT) can be added to any device mount & charging system to adapt multiple chargers to a single hardwire connection. This splitter eliminates the need to install multiple wires to the battery terminal, with a quick and easy SAE connection for each charger source. Included with each SAE connector is a protective cap for any event where a charger needs to be temporarily disconnected. Overall Length: 3 Meters

Hersteller: National Products Inc.- 8410 Dallas Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108, USA,
Importeur: RAM Mounts Germany GmbH, Alexander-Meißner-Str. 42, 12526 Berlin,, Telefon: 030-917470-70
Verantwortlich: GF Kostja Dümke,, 030-917471-0
Warnhinweis: Plastiktüten von Kindern fernhalten - Erstickungsgefahr!
UPC: 793442016356