RAM Mounts RAM-A-CAN II Universal Verbundstoff-Halterung mit Diamond-Anbindung (Trapez) - für Fahrzeug-Getränkehalter, Basis mit Gummilippen, 2x Diamond-Basisplatte (Trapez), mittlerer Verbindungsarm
The RAM MOUNT - RAP-299-3-B-102U - consists of a double socket arm, two diamond bases and RAM-A-CAN II universal cup holder base. The diamond bases measure 2.43" x 1.31" and contain two holes 1.912" from center to center, positioned at both ends of the diamond base. The hole pattern found on the diamond bases will connect to many RAM MOUNT unit cradles, as well as third party cradles including mounts with the industry standard AMPS hole pattern. Designed into the mount is a 1" diameter patented rubber ball and socket system with adjustment points at both socket ends of the arm. The RAM-A-CAN II cup holder base serves as a mounting point for the diamond base. The base Includes support fins that flex, making the cup holder base conform to most vehicle cup holders.
Material: High Strength Composite
Ball Size: 1" (B-Ball size)
Color: black
Hersteller: | National Products Inc.- 8410 Dallas Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108, USA, www.rammount.com |
Verantwortlich: | GF Kostja Dümke, info@rammounts.de, 030-917471-0 |
Importeur: | RAM Mounts Germany GmbH, Alexander-Meißner-Str. 42, 12526 Berlin, www.rammounts.de, Telefon: 030-917470-70 |
Warnhinweis: | Plastiktüten von Kindern fernhalten - Erstickungsgefahr! |
EAN: | 793442935442 |